lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2018

What would you change about policies labour in your city.

Yes, and that Colombia's policies with respect to labor are very bad, the Colombian is not remunerated with what is fair. The way to restore labor policy would do it without thinking and in this way would give what Colombia deserves especially the peasants.

Change the export policy and I would be more inclined towards the peasant projects so that in this way the Colombian resources are valued more and in this way make Colombia a potential country.

Describe the supply and demand labour in your country. (Describe if your
city is a productive farming area or an industrial region or a touristy area, etc…) 

The city of Florence, capital of the Colombian department of Caquetá, is the main center of economic activity in the southeastern part of the country. It is the home of the most important agro-industrial companies in the region and, moreover, it is the city that has the presence of more financial entities throughout the Colombian Amazon.


Although a good part of the crops corresponds to subsistence agriculture, this line occupies an important place in the Florentine economy. The main permanent crop is plantain, with an annual production of 3570 tons in 2010, followed by cassava, of which approximately 2880 tons were produced in the municipality in the same year. There are also mahogany coffee plantations -22.5% of the total area planted in the department - panela panela, pineapple, corn, exotic flowers such as heliconia and emperor cane, as well as Amazonian fruit trees such as arazá, cocona and copoazú.

Cattle and fishing

Livestock is characterized in the region because it is extensive and has a low technological component. For 2009, the municipality of Florence had 65 616 cattle, equivalent to 5.48% of the cattle of the department, in an area close to 160 thousand hectares.2 Nestlé of Colombia, which buys 300 thousand hectares, has its headquarters in its jurisdiction. Daily liters of milk in the department, which are used as raw material for the production of finished products.
Likewise, Caquetá Fair and Slaughterhouse Company (Cofema) is headquartered in Florencia, a company that carries out most of the commercialization of live cattle in the region and has the most important slaughter plant in Caquetá. In its facilities there are 72 pens with a capacity of approximately 4000 bovines and 400 porcines, with observation walkways and water supply for animals destined for slaughter or marketing. Fish farming is widespread in the rural sector of Florence, where there are more than 550 ponds for the breeding of species such as cachama, mojarra, sábalo and bocachico.

Describe which are the main sources of employment in your city. Say which are the
largest companies. What are the main products of these companies?

The labor market in Florence has been affected by migratory movements as a host city for people in forced displacement. In addition to self-employment, which accounted for 48.0% of employed persons in 2010 and private employment that reached 30.0% that same year, the main source of higher-paid work is located in the public and official sectors -8.9 % -. According to DANE statistics, for the five-year period 2006-2010, the tendency of the unemployment rate in Florence showed a downward trend, going from 14.2% in 2006 to 13.3% in 2010. Even though this indicator for the last year presented an increase compared to 12.9% presented in 2009, the employed increased from 49 thousand to 51 thousand.12 Likewise, between December 2007 and the same month of 2010, the global participation rate (TGP) has fluctuated in a range of 57.2% -59.9%; the Occupancy Rate (TO) has presented levels of 49.9% -52.8% and the unemployment rate (TD) has remained between 10.9% and 13.7%, the maximum value reached in March 2008 The commerce sector represents an important sector of its economy, standing out for the presence of large commercial complexes such as the Gran Plaza Florencia shopping center and the La Perdiz shopping center.

In which company would you like to work, what would you like to have?

I would like to work in the palace of justice as a legal psychologist Forence, with a salary of 4,000,000, to be able to practice my profession and help those who really need it.

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